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"Animals are the access to remembering our Oneness"
Ana Maria Vasquez

The animals in our lives, whether they live with us or we come across them in the wild, have messages for us. Messages to help us with everyday situations and to act as a mirror to reflect our inner landscape. This 3 week Animals as Messengers course gives you the foundation of understanding animal symbolism and the messages coming from the animals. We discuss animals in the wild, companion animals, and shadow animals. Join me and get clear about what the animals are showing you! Here We Grow Again!






Module 1
Animals in the Wild
as Messengers

Animals in the Wild 
Course Content

On-Demand Multimedia

In this first module we will be focusing on animals in the wild and the messages they bring us. We will be covering the physical, mental, emotional & energetic issues between you and the animals in your life and how you can deepen that connection and understanding! I'll also share some basic tips to help you tune in to the messages.



Module 2
Companion Animals
as Messengers

Companion Animals
Course Content

On-Demand Multimedia

In this module we will be focusing on our animal companions and the messages they bring us. THIS is were we really are able to see the messages. Get ready to take your connection with your animals deeper!

horse human


Module 3
Shadow Animals as Messengers

Shadow Animals
Course Content

On-Demand Multimedia

In this module, we will be focusing on shadow animals and the messages they bring us. Shadow animals are the ones that bring up fear for us, this can include abused, aging and dying animals. This session will definitely bring some shifts in perception and really help empower you and your relationship with animals!


Live Group Session-rev

Module 4

LIVE Group Session
with Q&A/Intuitive Readings  


This session is all about YOU and the messages coming through for you. Ask your question from the course content and get a live intuitive reading about animals as messengers. You can submit your question ahead of time if you can't join us live.


Can’t attend live?
Not a problem!

Once you register, you'll be given an access page for the course and you can submit your question ahead of time and listen for your answer on the replay


Bonus #1

"Animals & the Ascension Process"

Ana Maria & Christel Hughes downloadable audio recording

Bonus #2

“Nature Spirits & Elementals as Messengers” 

Ana Maria & Lynn Chown downloadable audio recording


Here's What's Included in this 
Animals as Messengers Program:

  • 4 modules with LIVE Group Q&A/Intuitive Energy Reading Session with Ana Maria
  • BONUS: "Animals & the Ascension Process" Ana Maria & Christel Hughes downloadable audio recording 
  • BONUS: “Nature Spirits & Elementals as Messengers” Ana Maria & Lynn Chown downloadable audio recording
  • Option to upgrade to include a private 1:1 session with Ana Maria

Pricing Options

Get clear about what the animals are showing you!

Course Only


  • 4 modules including LIVE Group Q&A/Intuitive Energy Reading Session with Ana Maria
  • BONUS: "Animals & the Ascension Process" Ana Maria & Christel Hughes downloadable audio recording 
  • BONUS: “Nature Spirits & Elementals as Messengers” Ana Maria & Lynn Chown downloadable audio recording
Best Value!

Course + Private 1:1 Session


  • 4 sessions including LIVE Group Q&A/Intuitive Energy Reading Session with Ana Maria
  • BONUS: "Animals & the Ascension Process" Ana Maria & Christel Hughes downloadable audio recording 
  • BONUS: “Nature Spirits & Elementals as Messengers” Ana Maria & Lynn Chown downloadable audio recording


  • Add a 30 minute private session with Ana Maria to support and enhance your experience.
  • This includes an audio recording of your session for you.

Ana Maria Vasquez
Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

Ana Maria Vasquez is a Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive. She is a natural energy reader who lifts the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. Through teaching, speaking, and remote sessions, Ana Maria’s profound connection with the natural world sources her in helping you understand the messages coming from the animals and nature, while unpacking your intuitive backpack! She is also the author of Nature: Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes, a shamanic practitioner, a Certified Intuitive Strategist, and a Sacred Stories Luminary. 

  • Ana Maria Vasquez, Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

    “Ana Maria is a wonderful and joyful teacher. It was a pleasure listening to her teachings”

  • Ana Maria Vasquez, Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

    “Thank you Ana Maria, you are such a gift”

  • Ana Maria Vasquez, Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

    “It was a tremendous gift to receive your insights and I can confirm that your message was right on for our circumstances….we received a wonderful blood work report this morning which showed that almost all levels of liver enzymes are normal. What a dramatic improvement! Thank you again for your wisdom and caring!”

  • Ana Maria Vasquez, Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive

    “I was shivering & probably the best word would be – vibrating at your last message for me from William”