For Optimal Health and Well-Being
Do you love and adore your cats?
Are you concerned about their happiness and well being?
Do you want to make sure that
they have everything they need to thrive NOW?
If so then this Special Offer is for you…and your cat! This offer, exclusive to the Natural & Holistic Cat Care Summit, helps your cat thrive and experience optimal health and well being.
Mark Hernandez is a Holistic Practitioner that helps your pets maintain optimal health and well-being through intuitive healings, energy-medicine systems, and tools such as The Body Code, The Emotion Code, and ASHWork. His work is non-invasive, safe, gentle, and yields results—at times, immediately, and in other instances, over time.
With the Thriving Cat Package, your cats will experience
more joy, peace and happiness and health
Billy and Cat Depression 
My cat Billy was extremely depressed after we moved to another house: no access to a garden, which was a big loss for him as he is a big hunter. After Mark did a session on him to address this issue, his attitude and mood totally changed. He is now very loving and not laying down all the time in his corner. He roams happily around the house and is even playing. This is such a relief to see him like that as I could see he was so much in grief.
Thank you Mark for all you are doing for my pets! Thank you for your dedication on helping animals. Your work is pure divine magic!
-Davia from Florida
Cream and Reduced Grief
I contacted Mark after one of my cats (Sugar) passed away. You see Cream and Sugar were the closest to sisters they could be. They were always together, and Cream (my white kitty) was very protective of her big sister.
When Sugar passed away at the age of 19, Cream was unconsolable. It was in the middle of the night when she lost her best friend. She watched her pass and woke the family with cries that can break even the hardest heart. Mark was kind enough to work on her right away given the circumstances.
She calmed down and finally ate something and went to sleep. She is still mourning, but she is still much more sociable now. Her appetite is good again, and we are sure to shower he with love everyday. Thank you, Mark, for your wonderful work!
-Angela and Cream from Montreal, Canada
Mei Mei…No More Nervousness!
Our cat (Mei Mei) was experiencing a high level of nervousness and we asked Mark to do Emotion Code work on her. During the thirty-minute session, Mark cleared trapped emotions, inherited trapped emotions from her father’s lineage, and a Heart Wall. At the end of the session, we could tell that Mei Mei was completely calm! The following day Mei Mei allowed us to groom her for the first time in four years without biting and scratching us. She also traveled calmly in our car, and for the first time, she was curious about life outside our apartment door. We were very pleased with the results of our Emotion Code session!
–Mei Mei’s Cat Parents from Taiwan
Each of the five mp3s supports a specific aspect
essential to your cat's happiness and well being!
Track #1: Human around 24/7 to Adore Your Cat
Many cats love for their pet parents to adore them 24-7. Unfortunately, many are unable to do this on a daily basis. This mp3 is sequenced with frequencies that give your cat the experience of being adored around the clock!
This mp3 is energetically encoded with the frequencies of unconditional love; devoted attention and focus; joy; and fun. It also is sequenced with frequencies to dissolve any blockages / energies in all timelines that block your cat from receiving the full benefits of this mp3. Cats integrate the changes and all frequencies with ease and grace. They will absorb only those beneficial frequencies that are required at the moment.
Track #2: Being Outdoors
While many cats spend most of their time outdoors, others are now "indoor cats." These indoor cats often longingly look out the window and have memories of their outdoors cat days. This mp3 provides cats the energetic experience of being outdoors again, without leaving the safety of their indoor environment.
This mp3 is energetically encoded with the frequencies of being outdoors; the contentment, peace and equanimity of being indoors; and the joy of these experiences. It also is sequenced with frequencies to dissolve any blockages / energies in all timelines that block your cat from receiving the full benefits of this mp3. Cats integrate the changes and all frequencies with ease and grace. They will download and activate only those beneficial frequencies that are required at the moment.
Track #3: Play Toys
Cats by nature are playful. They like to be engaged and entertained. Many cat parents worry that their fur babies get bored, especially if the cats are spending a lot of time home alone. This mp3 infuses their living space with the frequency of play and fun, with virtual cat toys.
This mp3 is energetically encoded with the frequencies of fun and entertainment with cat toys…for your cat. It also is sequenced with frequencies to dissolve any blockages / energies in all timelines that block youe cat from receiving the full benefits of this mp3. Cats integrate the changes and all frequencies with ease and grace. They will absorb only those beneficial frequencies that are required at the moment.
Track #4: Food Security
Many cats started their lives in the wild; they were feral cats. As a result many experience issues with "food security." This mp3 gives cats the confidence and peace of mind that their nutritional needs will always be met and that they don't have to worry about going hungry!
This mp3 is energetically encoded with the frequencies of infinite cat nutrition; confidence and trust that they are always loved and provided for.
It also is sequenced with frequencies to dissolve any blockages / energies in all timelines that block your cat from receiving the full benefits of this mp3. Cats integrate the changes and all frequencies with ease and grace. They will absorb only those beneficial frequencies that are required at the moment.
Track #5: Maintain the Energy of a Fresh Litter Box
Many cats love the scent of a fresh litter box. From time to time we pet parents do not change or freshen up the litter box as often as our cats would like. This mp3 extends the expeeience of a fresh litter box. It, in no shape or form, replaces the need to clean your cat's litter box.
This mp3 is energetically encoded with divine frequencies of a fresh litter box.
It also is sequenced with frequencies to dissolve any blockages / energies in all timelines that block youe cat from receiving the full benefits of this mp3. Cats integrate the changes and all frequencies with ease and grace. They will absorb only those beneficial frequencies that are required at the moment.
PACKAGE A: $87.00
Includes Everything in Package A
A Private 30 minute
1-1 Healing Session
for Your Cat
This private healing session is especially beneficial if your cat is experiencing:
- A change in behavior (examples: peeing and pooing outside the litter box / separation anxiety / grief over the loss of an animal buddy /excessive neediness)
- A significant health issue for which your cat is receiving excellent veterinary care and you'd like your cat to receive additional energetic support (example: digestive issues / mobility issues / internal growths).
Your private session can be done via phone or Skype. There will be an audio recording of the session, and you will be given a copy of the recording. There is no need to replay/play on a loop the recording, as the healing session is complete. You can re-listen to specific segments if you wish to review something that came up during the session.
As always energy healing is not a substitute for excellent veterinary care. It is something that enhances and amplifies all the great things you already are doing to support your cat!
PACKAGE B: $177.00
Leo the Cat and Dissolved Intestinal Blockages
I called Mark about my cat, Leo. Leo had been in and out of the vet’s office over the last two weeks because he was experiencing severe dehydration, not eating and getting very thin.
On the first visit, the vet said that he had identified the source of Leo’s problems: a blockage in the small intestine. Surgery to correct that blockage would cost $2,500.00. Since I couldn’t really afford the surgery, we tried other non-invasive options, yet nothing was working—the blockage wouldn’t budge. I was slowly watching my beloved cat starve to death.
I decided to try something completely different. I wanted to see if Mark could help Leo through energy healing and The Body Code. Mark did a thirty-minute Body Code session on Leo. The next day I noticed a slight improvement in Leo –wasn’t sure exactly what, but he seemed a bit better. The second day, Saturday, a huge improvement was noticed!! He began eating again and acting much more energetic and like himself!! I was thrilled to say the least!!
While I have had energy work done on myself, this was my first experience having energy work done on my pets and needless to say I am a believer!! I have already given Mark’s name and number to a friend.
Many thanks, Mark, for doing the work that you do!!
-Michelle from San Antonio
Peter Pan and Improved Breathing
I have a cat, Peter Pan who received some sessions from Mark and this is nothing less than a miracle! Peter Pan has a very large heart and a lot of fluid was accumulating in his lungs, making his breathing very laborious.
He is not having anymore this shallow breathing and I don't hear anymore this bronchitis type of sound when he breathes. He runs and plays like a young kitty and he is 19 years old!
-Davia from Florida
With the Thriving Cat Package
your cats will experience more joy, peace and happiness and health!
Pick the price option that best fits your cat's needs:
Package A
- Human around 24/7 to adore your cat
- Being outdoors
- Cat play toys
- Food security
- Fresh litter box
Most popular
Package B
- Human around 24/7 to adore your cat
- Being outdoors
- Cat play toys
- Food security
- Fresh litter box
Private 1-1 30 minute Healing Session for your cat