Mitigate EMFs Around You & Your Animals
Including 5G!
Jeffery Stegman and Clayten Stedmann,
Focused Life Force Energy Founders
Raising the vibration around you and your animals is key to your multidimensional well-being. In a world drowning in EMF pollution, it is possible to create an oasis around you for you and your animals. I love connecting you with resources to help you move through life with greater ease and grace. I was introduced to Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE-Affectionately called Fluffy) by Regina Meredith and immediately resonated. That was a couple of years ago and I have it on our home and I have it on my cell phone for when I'm away from home. It's an amazing way to continually clear and raise the vibration of your environment. In our modern society, we are constantly under barrage of low vibrational energy. FLFE can help! They've been able to apply FLFE to cell phones to turn them from a potentially damaging frequency into a healing energy. I'm beyond honored for the opportunity to interview the amazing souls behind this innovation!
Jeffery Stegman and Clayten Stedmann joinied me for a webinar where we discussed the following and more:
- You can mitigate the EMFs around you and your animals and why it's important.
- What exactly FLFE is and how it works for you and your animals.
- We'll be going down the rabbit hole as we discuss our karma with animals and how FLFE plays a role.
Mitigate EMFs Around You and Your Animals
Including 5G!
This presentation includes slides. You can use the link below to access the replay.