Natural Wellness
Reclaim an Ancient Ally of Healing
for You and Your Animals
Photo credit: Sweet Leaf by Drew Brophy
Get Relief Naturally for You and Your Animals!
Listen in as Ana Maria talks to John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary
Listen in as Ana Maria talks to Patty Malek on Soul Talk
All Healing and No "High"
Since the early days of colonization around the planet, there has been an ongoing systemic suppression of ancient wisdom. In our modern society we have been distanced from potent ancient knowledge. Knowledge that can connect you with Divine Intelligence, raise your vibration, and alleviate the pain and suffering for you and your animals. All Healing and no "High"
Are you or your animals experiencing
Pain or inflammation
- Stress, Anxiety or depression
- Skin conditions like rashes, eczema, or psoriasis
The Benefits of the Ancient Sacred Cannabis Plant in the form of CBD Oil
This Ancient Sacred Plant extract, in the form of CBD oil, is a healer that has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-psychotic properties. All Healing and No "High." This plant can naturally raise your vibration, relieve pain, lift your mood, improve immune function, all leading to better health for you and your animals!
- Pain relief
- Better sleep
- Relaxation & Stress Relief
- Reduced inflammation
- Decreased depression
- Decreased anxiety levels
- Improved memory and mood
- Improved cardiovascular health
- Support for those with cancer
- Increased resistance to infections
All Healing and No "High"
Our bodies and the bodies of our animals are hard wired to collaborate with this sacred medicine. Become deeply inspired by the Divine intelligence of the Cannabis plant and it's healing abilities!
Anything with this power deserves to be respected and approached with reverence.
Let Ana Maria connect you with the wisdom of this Ancient Sacred Plant!
Ana Maria's
High Vibrational CBD Product Line
Most people have heard about the benefits of CBD oil that comes from this Ancient Sacred Plant, but have no idea what to look for in a product, or what kind of dosing will be effective for their situation. ANA MARIA'S DONE THE WORK FOR YOU! She’s been studying the medicinal and energetic aspects of the cannabis plant for over 10 years. Ana Maria has learned from experts, doctors, veterinarians, growers, and herbalists. She’s sourced high quality CBD that is effective, as well as her experience in helping people and animals dose for maximum relief. Ana Maria brings her profound energetic connection with the plants to these products and infuses each one with specific healing frequencies for the user. She adds the aspect of harmonics by including the recordings of the bio-energetic field of the cannabis mother plants that sourced these products. It doesn't matter if you are sharing the bottles with your animals, Ana Maria can infuse specific frequencies for each of you into the same bottle. When you use the product, simply ask the plant to help you and set your intention, whether it's for you or your animal. Your intention activates the specific frequency. Harmonic frequencies help trigger the self-healing within our physical body and our energetic field. Ana Maria's CBD products are formulated with simple and all natural ingredients. Our hemp flower oils are only partially decarboxolized to maintain a high CBDA content, which is extremely beneficial for many deep-rooted issues such as arthritis. As a Full-Spectrum Oil, our products also contain: CBD; CBC; CBG; CBN; etc. We believe in simplicity and legitimacy which our products provide.

CBD Soaking Salts
50mg or 100mg full spectrum
CBD oil derived from hemp flower
6 oz
Magnesium Epsom Salt USP, Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, Grapeseed Oil, and full spectrum CBD Oil derived from hemp flower.
Suggested Use:
Enjoy a therapeutic soaking experience. Ask the plant to help you. Dissolve all, or a portion, of the salts into warm water. Soak for at least 20-30 minutes for full benefits
Use caution when getting into and out of the tub, as it will be slippery. Not for internal use.

CBD Oil Drops
500mg full spectrum
CBD oil derived from hemp flower
.5 oz
Grapeseed oil, Hemp flower oil.
Suggested Use:
- Ask the plant to help you.
- Shake well.
- 4 or more drops held under tongue for 90 seconds then swallow.
- Use as needed.
How long will a bottle last?
That depends on your daily dosing. For example, many people with chronic pain find relief at 20mg daily. That translates to 6 drops taken twice daily. At that dose, the bottle lasts approximately 25 days. Dosing is dependent on many factors. If you are unsure about dosing for yourself or your animal, schedule a consult.

500mg full spectrum
CBD oil derived from hemp flower
1 oz
Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Hemp Flower Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lavender Oil.
Suggested Use:
- Ask the plant to help you
- Apply topically
- Use as needed
How long will a jar last?
That depends on how often you're using it, and how large the affected area. For example, many people with chronic pain find relief applying the rub topically to affected areas 4-6 times a day. If you're not finding relief after 30 minutes, re-apply. At that does, a jar lasts approximately 4-6 weeks. Dosing is dependent on many factors. If you are unsure about dosing for yourself or your animal, schedule a consult.
Natural Wellness Options
for You and Your Animals
CBD Soaking Salts
What you'll receive:
- 1 50mg CBD Soaking Salts, 6oz
- Option to upgrade to 100mg soaking salts
- Energetic Harmonic Infusion into the product specific for the user
- Price includes the shipping & handling within the continental U.S.
*Additional Charges for International Shipping
CBD Oil Drops or Rub
What you'll receive:
Your choice of:
- 1 bottle 500mg CBD Oil drops, .5 oz
- 1 jar 500mg CBD Rub, 1 oz
- Energetic Harmonic Infusion into the product specific for the user
- Price includes the shipping & handling within the continental U.S.
*Additional Charges for International Shipping
CBD Oil Drops + Rub + Soaking Salts
What you'll receive:
- 1 bottle 500mg CBD Oil drops, .5 oz
- 1 jar 500mg CBD Rub, 1 oz
- 1 50mg CBD Soaking Salts, 6oz
Each product comes with the following:
- Energetic Harmonic Infusion into the product specific for the user
- Price includes the shipping & handling within the continental U.S.
*Additional Charges for International Shipping
Best Value
CBD Oil Drops + Rub + Soaking Salts + Consult
What you'll receive:
- 1 bottle 500mg CBD Oil drops, .5 oz
- 1 jar 500mg CBD Rub, 1 oz
- 1 50mg CBD Soaking Salts, 6oz
- 30 minute dosing consultation via phone or web with Ana Maria
- Your session will be available as a downloadable audio
Each product comes with the following:
- Access to Ana Maria's CBD Oil page with dosing guidelines and educational information about CBD.
- Energetic Harmonic Infusion into the product specific for the user
- An mp3 of the Audible Sonic Frequencies of the Cannabis plants used in our product.
- Price includes the shipping & handling within the continental U.S.
*Additional Charges for International Shipping
Ana Maria only uses the highest quality full-spectrum CBD oils in all of her CBD products. She never uses isolates!
Ana Maria Vasquez
Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive
She's a natural energy reader, an interpreter of sorts, and she lifts the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. As a multi-sensory intuitive, she's able to tune in and see the places where your limiting beliefs are getting you stuck in old ways of being and showing up in the world. Ana Maria has a profound connection with nature & animals and specialize in working with them because they act as mirrors to our inner landscape and help us make shifts that on our own we wouldn’t do. She is also a shamanic practitioner, a certified Intuitive Strategist and serves on the faculty of the Academy for the Soul.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the USFDA, although the USFDA has approved the use of CBD for epileptic seizures. CBD interacts with many different neuroceptors suggesting the current studies may just be scratching the surface of CBD therapeutical potential. Ana Maria is not medically trained. She works with the herbal energetics of the plant. It is always wise to consult with your qualified medical practitioner.