Join Ana Maria on this Journey
into the Mystery of the Moon
Since the dawn of time, humans have gazed up at the moon. Awestruck by its mystery. Tracking the passage of time and of the seasons by following the phases and positions of the moon. We are in a profound cycle of change and the moon offers guidance to reclaim who we really are. The moon teaches us about the natural rhythm and importance of cycles. The moon reminds us of this potent energy that we can harness in our own lives when we move into this rhythm with the moon. You are being invited to remember your connection to the moon. Journey with Ana Maria to a magical world and be re-introduced to the ancient moon wisdom. Here We Grow Again!
Orientation to Moon Wisdom Working with the Magic of the Moon
The Energy of the Moon Phases
Module 2: 8 videos
approx. 45min
From the time we are born, we are taught to suppress our own natural rhythm. This keeps us from fully stepping into our own power and accessing the fullness of our brilliance. In this module, we will look at the 8 phases of the moon and you will see the benefit of paying attention to how the moon's phases affects you personally. Learning about the moon's cycle and phases allows us to re-calibrate to our own natural cycles and step into our own rhythm. These phases also provide us with guidance in moving through the energy as we shift our 3D realities.
Animal Medicine and the Moon
Module 3: Audio
approx. 30 min
In this module we'll explore some of the animals and the animal medicine associated with the moon. We'll look at ways to increase the effectiveness of collaborating with these moon animals. Ana Maria will lead you on a shamanic journey to meet the animal that will be working with you on expanding your moon wisdom.
Animal Moon Phase Calendar
Your Natural Rhythm and the Moon
Module 4: video
approx. 15 min
Finding and reclaiming our own natural rhythm is crucial to us opening up to our intuitive abilities. This is at this center of stepping into your true power. The moon offers guidance in dealing with the energy that presents itself in our daily lives. Understanding this allows us to harness the potency of this natural cycle energy for greater manifesting.
The Medicine Wheel and the Moon
Module 5: audio
approx. 20 min
Our ancestors worked with the ancient wisdom of the medicine wheel for ceremony and to track the passing of time. Explore how you can work with the medicine wheel and the moon.
Moon Lodge
Module 6: video
approx. 15 min
Understand the link between the feminine monthly cycle and the moon. Many misunderstandings have come to form around the moon lodge time for women. Discover new insights that allow more ease around this cycle.
Even More Amazing Ways to Connect with Moon Wisdom

Water and the Moon
Module 7
approx 10 min
Learn how we can work intentionally with the element of water combined with the moon wisdom to engage this potent source for cleansing and flowing in our own lives.

Eclipses, Blue Moon, Super Moon
Module 8
approx 10 min
Discover the energy and messages inherent in lunar events like eclipses, blue moons and super moons.

Moon Conspiracies
Module 9
approx 10 min
Hear about some of the moon related conspiracy theories that that are circulating. Feel into the information for yourself.

& the Moon
Module 10
approx 10 min
There are certain plants that have connections to the moon and that support us during various moon cycles. Also find out how to maximize the growth of your plants based on moon cycles.

Your Hair &
the Moon
Module 11
approx 10 min
Farmers and gardeners have long understood the effect of the moon on things that grow. Learn the best times in the lunar cycle to engage in various hair intentions and/or actions that harness this moon power.
LIVE Q&A/Intuitive Readings Group Session
with Ana Maria
Can’t attend live?
Not a problem!
Once you register, you'll be given an access page for the course and you can submit your question ahead of time and listen for your answer on the replay
Bonus Material

Photo Credit: Dream State by Roi James
Reclaiming the Dream State
featuring my go to energy gal Lynda Sloan
- Receive tips and suggestions for activating your dream recall
- Leave with a clear understanding of why you should look at your dreams from three different perspectives
- Learn a simple way to stop recurring dreams and nightmares
- Experience a live interpretation to help you get started

Moon Musings with James
The Zen Cowboy
Join James in this short video as he shares his musings about the moon and how it inspires creativity in all of us. Just imagine and be in the wonderment of how the moon can effect you.
Package Options
Course Only
- 11 Moon Wisdom Modules
(audio & video) with content, tips & techniques to connect to the Moon Wisdom in your life - LIVE Group Session with Ana Maria
- BONUS: "Reclaiming the Dream Time" with Linda Sloan
- BONUS: "Moon Musings" video with James the Zen Cowboy
Course + Private Session
- Everything listed in the Course
Your Personalized Annual
Moon Wisdom Guide
- 30 minute private session combines Ana Maria's potent sought after Multi-Sensory Intuitive abilities with the insight of the Moon Wisdom, you will receive the following:
- Know exactly which area of your life to focus on each month based on your personal astrology!
- Discover which essential oil supports you best each month of the year.
- Find out which chakra to work with each month
- This includes an audio recording of your private session.
- You'll return to this calendar year after year!
Ana Maria Vasquez
Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive
She is a natural energy reader who lifts the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. Through teaching, speaking, and remote sessions, Ana Maria’s profound connection with the natural world sources her in helping you understand the messages coming from the animals and nature, while unpacking your intuitive backpack! She is also the author of Nature: Divine Experiences with Trees, Plants, Stones and Landscapes, a shamanic practitioner, a Certified Intuitive Strategist, and a Sacred Stories Luminary.