You can do anything for 10 days,
and we are going to say YES to YOU!
Did you know that 10 days each month, a group of like hearted, sweet souls get together to reboot our systems? As we reset our physical systems with the support of plant-based nutrients for a daily detox, we also reboot our energetic systems with areas of focus and contemplation. A real multi-dimensional approach to health and wellbeing.
Imagine the difference a program with multi-dimensional support would make in your life!
Our theme for the 2024 Self-Love Reboot is Balance to Brilliance. We will be sourcing you body, soul & stars! You know us, we love to make our programs multi-dimensional. This is our seventh year doing the monthly Reboot and we are loving it, and participants are seeing real results in changing habits, shifting their energy, even weight loss and improvement in blood work. Not to mention a deeper understanding of the energetics of the body and natural healing. This year we are ready to take off to the stars and back with results, assisting you in building confidence and enthusiasm for your personal self-care as well as respect and appreciation for this amazing body you have been given. We will be learning more about ourselves as multidimensional beings, awakening to our innate ability to heal ourselves, and enhancing our wellness. These are the key ingredients to creating your Heaven on Earth.
Honoring Your Divine Temple
It is proven that taking small consistent steps
towards your goal creates results
Our mission is to bring a multidimensional approach
to health and well-being.
- Are you ready to take your self-care to the next level and start manifesting your intentions?
- Would you like the support of a like-hearted community of amazing folks who are exploring multi-dimensionality?
We have put this 10-day monthly program together because we have experienced the power and results of doing something consistently. Following a protocol recommended by the Juice Plus+ company and their plant-based conscious products, we have taken it one step further because we are passionate about helping YOU EXPERIENCE your gifts and potential to heal and manifest the life you desire. We have created a safe and supportive community where we can hold intention together to increase the power of attraction. During this zodiac tour, you'll have your monthly template, which will assist you in collaborating with the stars to experience the symbols, body systems, elements, animals, stones and oils for each month. We would be honored to have you join us on this journey!
When you couple my standards for clean, healthy, plant-based foods to support your body with the multi-sensory intuitive skills that Lynda and I bring to the table, you can't go wrong! We'd love to have you join us for a high vibrational 2024!
Consistency, Community, and Consciousness
Plant Powered Results Backed by Clinical Research
Join us for this monthly 10-day program where we have partnered with the Juice Plus+® Shred 10 program for a gentle cleanse and reboot into a year of Loving You.
Juice Plus+® is the most researched nutritional product in the world and is an easy and convenient way to get the nutrition of raw, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables every day. It is non-GMO, pesticide-free, herbicide-free, dairy-free, and vegan. It also has a low glycemic index, which helps keep your blood sugar regulated, enhancing willpower.
Join a safe and supportive community where intention held together increases the power of attraction!
The 2024 Monthly 10 Day Self Love Reboot
Ten days is long enough for you to get some real results, and short enough to stay disciplined for success. You can do anything for 10 days! By fueling your body with essential nutrients, you will be getting a jumpstart to reach your goals. During this 10-day period, each month, you will shed unhealthy habits and focus on high vibrational living, followed by the rest of the month where you continue your own personal natural health education and establish long-term health that will revolutionize your life for years to come.
Here are the guidelines we follow for 10 days:
- More Real Whole Foods
- Juice Plus+® Quad Capsules Daily
- 2 Complete® Shakes Daily (optional)
- 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast the next day
- Plenty of Water
- Sleep 7-8 Hours
- Exercise Most Days
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Processed Foods
- Artificial and Refined Sugars
Honoring Your Divine Temple
A 10 Day Monthly Experience
for Enhanced Wellness and Self-Care
What You'll Receive:
A monthly program designed to clear, awaken, and assist you in manifesting your personal Heaven on Earth. Collaborating with the stars each month you'll be experiencing the symbols, body systems, elements, animals, stones, and oils. Sourcing you to more balance so your brilliance can shine through!
- Private Reboot access page with all of your monthly materials in one convenient place
- Get YOUR questions answered by Ana Maria & Lynda with LIVE monthly calls
- Videos, audios and resources to help you clear, reset, learn, and lean into those lifestyle shifts that support high vibrational living
- Shred 10 Cookbooks and guides with instructions, tips, recipes and more
- Everything is recorded and downloadable so that you can return to the information and do the reboot anytime you need!
I'm in for the 2024 Monthly 10 Day Self Love Reboot!
How do I register?
Simply place your order for the Juice Plus+ Quad (Fruit, vegetables, berries, and plant based Omegas) through this site, and keep your order active. Upon confirmation of your order, you will receive FREE access to the 2024 Monthly 10 Day Self Love Reboot Program with Ana Maria & Lynda! What other whole food product gives you this???
*international customers ordering will need to indicate your country on the ordering website by clicking on the globe at the top right hand side.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
How do I get the 2024 Reboot 10 Day Self Love Reboot Program for Free?
Simply purchase a minimum of the Juice Plus+ Quad through this site, once your order is confirmed, you will be given access to the 2024 Self-Love Reboot Program ($600 value). PLUS a FREE Shred 10 Guide & Cookbooks (e-books) with instructions, recipes and more!
Note: You must purchase at least the Juice Plus+ Quad and keep your order active in order to receive the 2024 Self Love Reboot Program for FREE.
This reboot is about more than the 10 days each month. Flooding your body daily with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs to detox daily from our modern world will increase your results. Although the Reboot has a ten day component, it is a twelve month program, and the Juice Plus+® products ship in a 4-month supply and are billed monthly.
Why can’t I just get 10 days worth of Juice Plus+®
This reboot is about more than the 10 days each month. Flooding your body with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs to detox daily from our modern world. Although the Reboot has a ten day component, it is a twelve month program, and the Juice Plus+® products ship in a 4-month supply and are billed monthly.
It takes 21 days to establish a new habit. You will feel the difference in a couple of weeks, others will see the difference in a month, and four months for blood cells to completely be rebuilt. In addition to this, it saves on shipping costs and waste.
Do I have to use Juice Plus+®
In order to participate in the 2024 Self Love Reboot for FREE, you must have at least the Juice Plus+ Quad.
Trying to do the Reboot without the nutritional support of Juice Plus+® will not only be very difficult, it will not yield the results you may be hoping for. The nutrition of Juice Plus+® will nourish your body, allowing the other guidelines you are following make the largest impact possible. Juice Plus+® is the most researched nutritional product in the world and is an easy and convenient way to get the nutrition of raw, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables every day. It is non-GMO, dairy-free, and vegan. It also has a low glycemic index, which helps keep your blood sugar regulated, enhancing willpower.
Where can I learn more about Juice Plus+®
Ana Maria put together her favorite information about Juice Plus+®:
Here is Ana Maria's Official Juice Plus+® Page
You can also email Ana Maria at
Or Lynda Sloan at
Your Support Team for Your 2024 Self Love Reboot
These multisensory master teachers and coaches will guide you through this monthly 10 day reboot

Ana Maria Vasquez
Multi-Sensory Animal & Nature Intuitive
She is a natural energy reader who lifts the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. Through classes, speaking engagements, and private sessions, Ana Maria’s profound connection with the natural world sources her in helping you understand the messages coming from the animals and nature, while unpacking your intuitive backpack! She is also an author, shamanic practitioner, Certified Intuitive Strategist, and a Sacred Stories Luminary.

Lynda Sloan
Multi-Dimensional Healer
A multidimensional healer, psychospiritual therapist, designer, artist and soul friend. Lynda has been an advocate and teacher of self-healing for over 30 years. She offers intensives for those that want to expedite their “shift” to embodying and expressing their true selves. Lynda offers effective sessions as well as personalized intensives for those that want to awaken to and embrace their creative potential. A warm weather creature, she spends most of her time in the sun and beauty of the Southwest.